I watch Norm's clip on ******* when I am needed the laugh. I wish he could come back to life because there is only one Norm MacDonald. He will always be ** favorite comedian. RIP
🍄 2022-05-31
我**至云层上去 as always occurred when quarreled over principles in which i believe very passionately, i end up gasping furiously for air n blinking back bitter tears of conviction. every disappointing. sweet-faced ynn. hes good-natured, generous and likable. i thought it was another quiet, untroubled, hot day until u came. tho it was touch and go for an frantic half an hour.
吾象限 2023-12-07
草祭金风 2022-07-12
imac 2022-06-18
槿 2022-06-13
Crumbs 2022-06-07
第17分钟的狗狗是听懂吃肉这个词了吗……这一集符合我心目中宝贵的喜剧精神,也是最好的纪念Norm的方式。Conan O'Brien 说出了我的心声。
Tuscano 2022-06-06
奇 2022-06-06
C.L. 2022-06-05
疫情模式下的单口 走亲近路线的norm在如今张牙舞爪的暗黑喜剧**真的是清流
Vicissim 2022-06-02
I watch Norm's clip on ******* when I am needed the laugh. I wish he could come back to life because there is only one Norm MacDonald. He will always be ** favorite comedian. RIP
🍄 2022-05-31
我**至云层上去 as always occurred when quarreled over principles in which i believe very passionately, i end up gasping furiously for air n blinking back bitter tears of conviction. every disappointing. sweet-faced ynn. hes good-natured, generous and likable. i thought it was another quiet, untroubled, hot day until u came. tho it was touch and go for an frantic half an hour.