怪不得是好朋友,都对自己下手奇狠。前一半好好啊,真的好好啊,又疼又好笑又疼,后一半全给真诚,盯着镜头欲言又止的两秒看到千言万语然后一声not now。像Vir Das: For India,是做给自己的,期待这个节点之后的专场。不能按stand up打分。
皮革业 2022-04-20
不是stand-up comedy,是sit-down tragedy。
达达主义 2022-04-06
a rare gem intimacy in comedy. the vulnerability, the hesitacy, the self-effacacy, the pain, the regret, the doomed destiny, all bubble inside his body but are loud enough to be truly palpable. no one can replicate this experience.
▣ 2022-04-04
yes, heartfelt raw emotions, good to see coming out still being addressed as a hard thing, like how your straight friends feel cheated, and ofc there's still your dysfunctional family
Airplanes 2024-05-05
Sit down for stand up comedy,每个人都有不愿揭示的“真名”,出柜只是这其中最戏剧性的而已。 导演的用光十分特殊,Carmichael的黑皮肤像是一件博物馆展品一样呈现在观众面前,想起了《月光男孩》说的,黑人在水下看起来是蓝色的……
YiQiao 2023-03-10
引用stand-up comedy和sit-down tragedy的说法 从整个片段来看 能够明显感受到和之前已成规模的脱口秀表演形式之间的区别 这一场从场地选择到演员表演到现场氛围到影像摄制都像是对脱口秀的一次拆解 融合了独角戏和真人秀的部分内容 显得整场表演既真实又糟糕 悲伤又透着好笑//现场观众的接话超出了以往脱口秀中笑声的承接 将表演转向某种人物采访现场或者是朋友之间突然的深谈 相较于部分能预知结果的真相而言 还是说谎更容易
particleswreck 2023-03-09
Without pain, laughters don’t have echoes.
不姨**大白色 2022-12-01
放学第一个跑 2022-09-26
mayo 2022-08-30
怪不得是好朋友,都对自己下手奇狠。前一半好好啊,真的好好啊,又疼又好笑又疼,后一半全给真诚,盯着镜头欲言又止的两秒看到千言万语然后一声not now。像Vir Das: For India,是做给自己的,期待这个节点之后的专场。不能按stand up打分。
皮革业 2022-04-20
不是stand-up comedy,是sit-down tragedy。
达达主义 2022-04-06
a rare gem intimacy in comedy. the vulnerability, the hesitacy, the self-effacacy, the pain, the regret, the doomed destiny, all bubble inside his body but are loud enough to be truly palpable. no one can replicate this experience.
▣ 2022-04-04
yes, heartfelt raw emotions, good to see coming out still being addressed as a hard thing, like how your straight friends feel cheated, and ofc there's still your dysfunctional family
张华弥 2022-04-03