The series centers on Mario, Luigi and Princess Toadstool, now living in Dinosaur Land (sometimes also called Dinosaur World) with Yoshi, who is depicted on the show as a curious childlike dinosaur with a large appetite and several phobias. King Koopa (otherwise known as Bowser) and the Koopalings were also around, having followed the Super Mario Bros. and the Princess to Dinos...
超级马里奥世界第52集在线观看。 更新于),播放来源于优酷。
剧情介绍:第52集-The series centers on Mario, Luigi and Princess Toadstool, now living in Dinosaur Land (sometimes also called Dinosaur World) with Yoshi, who is depicted on the show as a curious childlike dinosaur with a large appetite and several phobias. King Koopa (otherwise known as Bowser) and the Koopalings were also around, having followed the Super Mario Bros. and the Princess to Dinos...——八戒共享提供。