mass hallucination,baby~ill education,baby~wanna reconnect with your elations~this is your station,baby~
喜之郎乳酸菌 2021-04-21
one two three, family. man, the best basketball documentary I've seen in recent years. yah, even better than The Last Dance. Cause you'll see the gold in every kid's heart and feel the pains and struggles they've been through. Scholarships, Division 1 U's offers, this and that. The point is to control your fucking life! Always stay solid! Respect those coaches. What an amazing ride!
照叶 2021-10-20
Mosley教练是他的弟子们一生中再难遇到的良师,虽然他宣扬宗教涉嫌违法; KJ很乖,Deshaun很酷,Joe是几乎每个老师都会遇到的坏孩子:不听话,找麻烦,却又是跟你感情最深的那个。ELAC的这支球队,教练和球员几乎都是来自底层的黑人,很多是单亲家庭,成绩不佳,犯过大大小小的错误,球打得好,但说不上天赋异禀(在美国的环境下)。为他们喝彩,就像是为我们身边普通学校的校队喝彩,就像是为我们身边面对独木桥仍然奋进的普通年轻人喝彩。
土 2021-05-12
mass hallucination,baby~ill education,baby~wanna reconnect with your elations~this is your station,baby~
喜之郎乳酸菌 2021-04-21
one two three, family. man, the best basketball documentary I've seen in recent years. yah, even better than The Last Dance. Cause you'll see the gold in every kid's heart and feel the pains and struggles they've been through. Scholarships, Division 1 U's offers, this and that. The point is to control your fucking life! Always stay solid! Respect those coaches. What an amazing ride!
西西佛 2021-04-21
老邢不卖艺 2021-04-20
wuli安琪😍 2021-04-18
太好看了 怎么能这么好看 每个人都要对自己的人生负责 但也要告诉自己 失意只是暂时的 要赶紧行动起来!表白队长和KJ!!!又帅又可爱!
remannremann 2021-04-11
休伯利安的木匠 2021-04-02
王二的幽灵 2021-03-30
Wetheking 2021-03-12