
宇宙的一生 (2017)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 布莱恩·考克斯
  • 上映时间: 2017-03-07
  • 更新时间:
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宇宙的一生原名:Life Of A Universe,

Episode 1 Creation  Professor Brian Cox probes our moment of creation. How did our Universe come into existence? Was there a time before the Big Bang? Do our laws of physics inexorably lead to the existence of us?  Episode 2 End Of Days  Professor Brian Cox tells the biggest story of them all. Inspired by the Southern Sky as he travels Australia, Brian reveals our very latest unde...


微雨 2022-10-31


Hesperia 2021-01-29

Why is Brian Cox always so hot?

等等 2020-04-17


布鲁粒* 2019-10-17

宇宙也有始有终 还不止一个 你家宇宙只是酒窖里其中一桶西拉而已

星尘 2019-08-06


jooey 2018-10-08

Something before big ban, and billions years from now, cosmology will be areligion .

寺。🔒 2018-10-01

A time before time? A ***** before *****? 就像有人认为地球是一个巨大的生命体一样,宇宙也有生命,而且不止有一个生命。#膜理论才是真正的科学教##英音听力练**列#

叮当想旅行 2018-01-13

近来的主流,偏向于“多重宇宙”。宇宙学或许会成为一种新的宗教,仰望深邃的夜空,宇宙同样也会生、老、死,人世间的事情,又算得上什么呢.... #日常吸教授#

MaybachYingzhi 2017-07-27

继续练听力+模仿教授口音~ 虽然很难超越***奇迹系列 但是教授的片子必须五星~

Ophelia 2017-05-26

Standing on a well-cooled cinder, we see the slow fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds.