我们是大人 12-04
起飞 12-10
宝石长袍 10-18
过去,如今和之后 10-29
在窗边 11-01
在水中 06-03
白天总是太过漫长 09-15
彼女来来 04-21
哪吒之魔童闹海 03-10
角斗士2 01-08
唐探1900 03-07
忠犬八公 10-12
It is impossible to comprehensively *** the ultimate extent of the damage wrought by the waves of the corona pandemic in all the layers of the society. It does not, however, require a lot of guesswork to see the links between the steeply increased numbers of corona patients, domestic violence cases and OnlyFans users. Director Masaaki Kudo creates a directly intimate and dauntl...
Hiina Kapsas 2023-03-18
标签是喜剧我就无语了……几个人各有各的绝望。小成本,长镜头。拍摄时还处于新冠初期症状严重,感染愈演愈烈的阶段。那种失业且不知道未来会如何的绝望结合「未曾有」,有很强的情绪反响。这种因为 never before 而生的不知所措,比条目中给的 unprecedented 要痛要空洞茫然得多。
blood orange 2021-11-21
#25th-PÖFF ▷有因的反叛◁ +手机竖屏