缚日月记 12-01
Panik 12-01
浩室中的好驷 12-26
Körúti esték 12-26
Hé, te! 12-26
我很喜欢生活 12-26
HAMM 05-26
國體 05-26
749局 01-24
角斗士2 01-08
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
注意台阶原名:Vigyázat, lépcsö!,又名Mind the Steps!
A typical apartment building in Budapest and their residents from the aspect of a young boy playing football sometime in the end of the 1980s at the time of the change of regime in Eastern Europe. Is there a way out from here? A geometrical paradox and a political parable at the same time.
第40届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 最佳短片(提名)。
Lady Midnight 2022-04-04
创作年份值得注意 转场目不暇接 用动画手法生产隐喻
cüe 2022-01-02
苦禄 2021-11-04
Rotoscoping的手法,注重空间和几何构成感,**的Escher,几处转场的设计挺有趣的。历史不正如同结尾的Penrose stairs吗,球在其中不断循环往复
纸躯 2021-10-05
Mubi! 匈牙利的动画短片是个宝!