我知道这是真的原名:This Much I Know to be True,
Andrew Dominik’s career has been crossing paths with Nick Cave’s since 2000’s Chopper, which was scored by original Bad Seeds member Mick Harvey. Seven years later, Cave wrote the music for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, assisted by another bandmate, Warren Ellis. The next step in this decade-long friendship and partnership was the 2016 film One Mor...
Enjoy🌈Rachel 2024-08-04
Nick说别人写信给The Red Hand Files是无人可述向虚空诉说,大概是每个人都经历的痛苦时刻吧
Nightwing 2023-12-09
印象里Cave从没有像在Ghosteen和Carnage两张专辑里这么释放,更广阔,更直接,更明亮,*中听者之心时的那种百感交集让人难以招架,就好像Ted Chiang笔下的天使降临。导演在16年的One **** Time with Feeling之后又做到了,给乐队一个简约无束的空间演绎这些歌,记录歌手几年后的转变,也让我在看他唱的同时更用心地听歌词:一家三口看着电视/熊妈妈拿着***/熊爸爸飘来飘去/熊娃娃走了/坐船去了月亮…… ps 初到香港,被朋友带去看Dirty Three的音乐会,这么多年都没意识到Ellis就是里面最俊俏的那个小哥。正如Cave唱的:They age a lifetime, O Lord top 2023
䒳 2023-05-15
Warren ellis電腦桌面疊了幾百層文件震驚我一年 @mubi
*****_ 2023-03-06
Nick Cave有两个后继模仿者:菲尼克斯演的小丑和木玛谢强
UniQueen 2022-12-24
黑暗王子Nick Cave巡演都养不活自己,惨!两个儿子都去世了,更惨!好像他更平和了,少了很多阴郁乖戾,唉,人老了总是这样!音乐会依然高水准!
基瑞尔 2022-07-11
“Well, sometimes a little bit of faith, can go a long long way.”《金发美人》之前感觉已经看了数个预热性质的呈现。声光幻影之间只有一架钢琴置于中心,在一栋并不金碧**的建筑里,开始动情地弹唱着;它很私人,但也同样是最极致的享受。
小捌 2022-05-12
在 Nick Cave 又失去一个儿子的消息传来的两天后看了这部片,体验既 surreal 又 intimate。开篇是自称巡演无法养活而改行做陶艺师的 Cave 向观众展示他制作的一套 18 个小雕塑,雕塑讲述的是魔鬼的一生。在展示题为 "the devil kills firstborn" 的那副时镜头在 Cave 脸上多停留了一小会,他什么都没有说。Here is the face of a man who's experienced tremendous loss in recent years, yet he is oblivious to **** of that profound sadness that's yet to come. The fact that he's able to hold so much ***** and compassion for others' suffering is just incredible generous.
Valuska 2022-05-12
7/10 They are not just musicians also storytellers. Beautifully muse-en-scene. Especially thx to the cinematography, lighting, and coloring.
RKO 2022-05-11
Sid 2022-02-15
天啊柏林的场地音响效果太好了 13欧看一部音画俱全的完美现场 太美了!