749局 12-06
角斗士2 01-08
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
北方光芒下原名:The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights,
In 2007 the legendary American duo White Stripes toured Canada. Besides playing the usual venues they challenged themselves and played in buses, cafés and for Indian tribal elders. Music video director Emmett Malloy followed the band and managed to capture both the special tour, extraordinary concert versions of the band's minimalist, raw, blues-inspired rock songs and the spec...
Tinc0 2015-06-13
䒳 2013-12-23
从peaky blinders喜欢上这个已解散**双人团。戴帽子的白条哥好像发条橙。jack声音爆发出的复杂情绪感染力太强了。meg好害羞,讲话小小声还要配上字幕,在jack说个不停的时候她就静静的看着,最后弹钢琴meg哭了真的好有爱还快不重组QAQ。虽然我不懂她鼓怎样,但她打鼓时候太酷了【****://t.**/8kQm5lh
Waldo 2011-10-21
simultaneously the most fake band in the world and the most real band in the world
Memento Mori 2011-09-18
哎呀,我真喜欢Jack White啊~!!
脚脚 2011-02-11
jack 抱着meg 的腰跳起舞来的时候我就泪奔了。前两天LCD soundsystem说散的时候我很蛋定,因为已经跟又高又帅stanford phd看过了,更何况他们绝*重组。但同样前两天白条文说散的时候我就崩了 = =因为一是没看过,二是他们重组的几率可就小了。。