圆始时代 05-01
紫色年季 06-05
心灵的花园 11-13
Shackle 11-13
星空裡的編織師 11-18
奇蹟渡假村 11-21
みじめな奇蹟 03-19
749局 01-24
角斗士2 01-08
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
마법이 돌아오는 날의 바다又名The Sea on the Day When the Magic Returns
卫卫卫 2023-11-14
韩国动画《The Sea on the Day When the Magic Returns》具有极强的韩国现实主义电影色彩,是女性在爱情和亲情中的撕扯,让我想到李沧东。本片导演韩知媛(Ji-Won Han)也是一位长片动画导演,曾执导《那个夏天》。她具有非常独特的女性视角和成熟的视听语言,可以感受到韩国新生代动画作者的创作
Mr. Lei 2023-02-08
【Sundance 2023】To tell you the truth, the magic has never disappeared.新的一年仍是热爱韩国动画的我!
蓝詹 2023-01-20
Smart until the protagonist sees her mom’s photo. It should have stopped by then, or earlier when the car crash happened and everyone died. Too ambitious to squeeze every perspective of a family’s trauma in a short film, the outcome is less effective.