**的comedy是聪明的,and you can tell he knows it too / 然而近乎一半的笑料是他太太的经历,结尾扮演太太的环节令我不断出戏,与**节目里的常规单元「jokes Seth can't tell」结合起来是个有趣的考量。who gets to tell what jokes? how does one feel about being used so heavily as jokes by their sig other?/ 如果drink everytime the comedian says '** wife' 是个drinking ****, john mulaney和**的comedy special哪个会让人醉得更快?snl写手都成了爱妻狂魔
I have to say Mr. Myers is definitely one of the most easily misjudged comedians. Who would have thought someone who looks so much like a boring uptight lawyer or accountant could be such a hilarious nerd. Can’t believe it’s been ten years. ** memories are still at Stefan and Seth.
kylegun 2022-03-10
小捌 2019-12-18
**的comedy是聪明的,and you can tell he knows it too / 然而近乎一半的笑料是他太太的经历,结尾扮演太太的环节令我不断出戏,与**节目里的常规单元「jokes Seth can't tell」结合起来是个有趣的考量。who gets to tell what jokes? how does one feel about being used so heavily as jokes by their sig other?/ 如果drink everytime the comedian says '** wife' 是个drinking ****, john mulaney和**的comedy special哪个会让人醉得更快?snl写手都成了爱妻狂魔
水包酱 2019-12-08
远超出预期 很clean又不失funny 节奏结构也蛮好 很适合周末全家一起看又不用担心会尴尬的stand-up (网飞还真的给他整了个"跳过政治桥段"小方框hhh
张华弥 2019-12-05
代入老婆角色call back以及和线上观众互动的部分最出彩,有meta的味儿
钱自由 2019-12-01
赛**挺性感的。 讲的内容挺有趣。幽默。呼应。男女差异。婚姻和生子。
牛*配送员 2019-11-30
standup 也能吃**,As long as I can let him/her do this, I will never be bored at this marriage.
zykmilan 2019-11-13
cocoon 2019-11-10
I have to say Mr. Myers is definitely one of the most easily misjudged comedians. Who would have thought someone who looks so much like a boring uptight lawyer or accountant could be such a hilarious nerd. Can’t believe it’s been ten years. ** memories are still at Stefan and Seth.
蚂蚁没问题 2019-11-10
脱*核糖十三 2019-11-09