买进名校:美国大学舞弊风暴 05-21
哪吒之魔童闹海 03-10
角斗士2 01-08
唐探1900 03-07
忠犬八公 10-12
Race to Nowhere
RACE TO NOWHERE is a close-up look at the pressures on today's students, offering an intimate view of lives packed with activities, leaving little room for down-time or family time. Parents today are expected to raise high-achieving children, who are good at everything: academics, sports, the arts, community-*******. The film tackles the tragic side of our often achievement-obs...
发布于2009年。由Vicki Abeles、Jessica Congdon执导,并且由编剧Maimone Attia、Jessica Congdon携幕后团队创作。并于2009公映的电影。
momo 2021-05-04
过于emotionally driven 竞争来源于新自由主义**中产阶级对阶级滑落的恐惧,不是倡导减负就可以改变的
尽在今夜 2020-04-09
ANAYKH 2016-09-05
安做茶候鳥 2014-10-23
木辛ci 2012-12-01
Leila 2012-03-04
藍以薰一一 2011-10-19
watched at a waller scholar *****