Here a bit of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, there a tint of La Fille mal Gardée and The Dream: Altogether the vivacity of life in the choreography is distinctively Ashton’s. Ashton 亲自出演,Alexander Grant 不愧是男舞者立足尖第一人,Wayne Sleep的松鼠跳得太好了,啊啊啊啊大年初一看这样的萌片好开心!
且相忘于** 2024-06-26
无心 2020-01-17
皮皮兔 2019-02-06
Here a bit of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, there a tint of La Fille mal Gardée and The Dream: Altogether the vivacity of life in the choreography is distinctively Ashton’s. Ashton 亲自出演,Alexander Grant 不愧是男舞者立足尖第一人,Wayne Sleep的松鼠跳得太好了,啊啊啊啊大年初一看这样的萌片好开心!
一枚头像 2018-06-03
大奇特(Grinch) 2014-04-15
薇覼ee 2014-03-20
可萌可萌,心都化了>////<小动物们胖乎乎还硬要托举,小手小脚/ *装造型布景都好棒,动作形象,猪都不讨厌了,小老鼠破坏分子简直萌哭,看了好想要一套毛茸茸**装,治愈就靠这个了
PARKER 2014-02-14
🫲🍞🫱 2014-02-09
Alice 2010-11-10
Fantastic costumes and excellent dancing! Yet another classic by the Royal Ballet.