
梦想大师们 (2013)

  • 别名:珠光宝气
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
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梦想大师们原名:Master of Dreams,又名珠光宝气

How are these marvels of diamonds, gold and gemstones that adorn the necks of stars and celebrities, conceived? Who are the designers? Where do they find inspiration? How are these exceptional jewels even made? Go behind-the-scenes with thirteen of the world’s most legendary jewellers: experience what goes into the design and creation of their most magnificent jewels, as well a...

发布于2013年。由Eric Ellena、Jane Lipman执导,

芥末和三文鱼 2023-06-11


飛鳥季 2022-07-30


M 2021-07-25


去那里 2021-04-03

看的是粤语配音版,已看*** ***珠宝,第二集讲意大利珠宝,第三 四暂无资源

You'reBeautiful 2021-04-03

French&Italian Jewelry houses.

玓瓅 2020-09-02

B站只有2集,余下两集需要各位自行搜集。Chaumet的后冠当然很好看,但我更喜欢Buccellati,如衣领一般的首饰真的太美了,应该是Rombi系列,另外Macri系列也很好看,而且被感性的Gianmaria Buccellati感动到了,简直优秀工匠的典范!!!其他就感觉设计一般,更强调淘到了多大的宝石。果然创新、设计不是主流,主流是借鉴、致敬。

糯米团子是好物 2018-11-08

https://***.bilibili****/video/av4763689 还缺Episode 3: The English & South African Jewellers和Episode 4: The Jewellers of the Americas