

  • 别名:臉 / Face
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 马里奥·蒙特斯
  • 上映时间: 1969
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!





脸原名:フェイス フェイス,又名臉、Face

featuring Warhol's super stars, Mario Montez, and underground comic star of the Kuchar brothers', Donna Kerness, in their sexual process on faces in acting mixed with the ”real”one in close-ups questions the difference between what is "real" and what is "fake" in film. Continuous laughing voice over the images makes one wonder as an absurd play.  Probably the most visually intri...


代号x鳄鱼 2016-10-15

饭村隆彦合集vol.1 [TAKAHIKO_IIMURA ] . 已吐。。。短片时长18分49秒。整个短片镜头都在近距离的对两个人的脸部进行局部的,游离的特写,两个人都是那种60年代**的化妆,就是画眼皮,睫毛和嘴唇(其中一个是男的??)然后两都貌似都是躺着的,发出那种**的笑声,看样子是在****?