暖流 12-01
749局 01-24
角斗士2 01-08
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
A few years after the surrender of Japan in the Second World War. The country is in ruins, economy devastated, and the vulnerable masses deprived of work; let alone the basic amenities of life. A new order, led by voratius opportunists is in the make where the weak are easy prey to the hydraheaded mountebanks. Betrayed and exploited by their employer, a group of five trainee in...
我到和林格尔来 2022-08-28
战后比较现实的社会经济现状题材,一群最弱势的群体被称为饿狼,而背后导致他们作案的资本家才是恶狼,保险公司的运营****套路万年不变。仍片头蚂蚁与虫子的搏斗镜头,以为是今村导演呢,本片题材上的优势,在新藤兼人平庸的叙事与氛围下显得很平淡,社会犯罪与资本人性揭露对于主题表达,肤浅不深刻。 补第29部新藤兼人。