特伦斯·戴维斯三部曲 03-16
哪吒之魔童闹海 03-10
角斗士2 01-08
唐探1900 03-07
忠犬八公 10-12
Knjiga rekorda Šutke又名The Shutka Book Of Records
Known as the alleged world capital of the gypsy or Romany peoples, Shutka, Macedonia thrives on one goal: to be the champion of everything known to humankind. This "anthropological documentary comedy" looks at how people crave to be the best at what they do: no matter if that is hunting down vampires, collecting obsolete Turkish music on audio tapes, training geese to fight, or...
发布于2005年。由Aleksandar Manic执导,并且由编剧Aleksandar Manic携幕后团队创作。集众多位亚萨·德斯塔尼、巴伊拉姆·瑟瓦丹等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005-11-03公映的电影。
说明书 2019-11-18
轻快剪辑出Shutka吉普赛人的生活面貌,还挺**的。他们的颓废慵懒和破败被一笔带过,与生俱来的艺术天赋、率性态度还有神神叨叨的灵魂与**、宗教与信仰展现的很传神。片子最后叔叔讲的那句“我们罗姆人不需要自己的土地,我们拥有整个星球”也太酷太浪太自由了吧!!! (这片子真的好冷啊,比今天的天还冷🥶
decca 2016-12-15
Neil 2013-12-21