The troubled hospital has trouble-shooter Kate Faulkner in charge of the nurses. Wolf gets pulled deeper. Ashley is assigned to a difficult patient. Keon has two. Nazneen has *** a famous chef. Grace has bed bugs, abused woman, and a cute guy.
stillwater 2023-05-07
The troubled hospital has trouble-shooter Kate Faulkner in charge of the nurses. Wolf gets pulled deeper. Ashley is assigned to a difficult patient. Keon has two. Nazneen has *** a famous chef. Grace has bed bugs, abused woman, and a cute guy.
SAMURA 2022-04-01
游全 2022-03-10
BullshitArtist 2021-11-28
硬是把Ashely和Caro拆了 換了個Candy 一點都不搭好嗎!!!劇情刻意煽情都原諒了 就不能好好組cp麼!
河里有只🐷 2021-10-29
希望有第三季…我的百合线Ashley和 Candy没看够 好喜欢Ashley
Lychee 2021-08-27