读过EW对亚军Tufts University男生无伴奏合唱团的团长的采访,问他在毕业后有没有兴趣继续唱歌这个行业,他说:I’ve got to graduate, so the beauty of it is the finality. You realize you only have **** years to have fun and make a difference, so you try to squeeze as much into it as possible. And After that it’s onto the real world and I’ll just be watching them on TV, hopefully.是啊,大学应该就是work hard play harder. 年轻真好!
* 2024-08-14
巴啦啦魔杖 2023-07-09
珈琲貓少女 2020-04-02
🇺🇸4集完,質量很高,當聽歌很享受。 ❤️最愛開場曲:Queen「under pressure」。 📍4/2/20
小水果 2018-08-22
读过EW对亚军Tufts University男生无伴奏合唱团的团长的采访,问他在毕业后有没有兴趣继续唱歌这个行业,他说:I’ve got to graduate, so the beauty of it is the finality. You realize you only have **** years to have fun and make a difference, so you try to squeeze as much into it as possible. And After that it’s onto the real world and I’ll just be watching them on TV, hopefully.是啊,大学应该就是work hard play harder. 年轻真好!
基瑞尔 2013-12-06
对不起想象中的期望值...?评委我觉得三个都不怎样,猫姐太平淡了点。主持人呢...Nick Lachey还有点生疏而且一直在模仿Ryan**啊。冠军也不太喜欢,不过那几个老**唱Taylor Swift的Love Story蛮好玩的。
阿* 2012-11-30
看完清唱团再补美版,从第一季来看的话国内的a cappella组合的实力不会弱于美国。Nota名至实归!
Jessie 2012-07-16
mOco 2011-05-08
Lynn ♥ 2011-04-22
看了一集,很棒........ 但太多坑無力追下去TvT
Eva 2011-02-23
Nota 名至实归。第二季更加精彩~