创智赢家 第一季 0期
穷富翁大作战 第二辑 8期
学徒 第十季 0期
美国之声 第十三季 0期
飞黄腾达 第十五季原名:The Apprentice Season 15,又名名人学徒 第八季、新版名人学徒
The season marks the debut of Arnold Schwarzenegger—actor and former Governor of California, as host. The show's former host, Donald Trump, stated he opted to leave "out of respect" while he was focusing on his presidential campaign. NBC had also begun to cut ties with Trump following controversial remarks he made upon the start of his campaign in 2015. Trump remains as an exec...
☀鸢笙 2023-03-12
熊仔面 2021-02-14
坚持猪 2019-09-29
This season was not bad, not only the candidates, but also the **** as well. The final two was both deserved no doubt, but in ** opinion, I'd prefer the runner up to win. by the way, Arnold was clearly very passionate on this show and he performed very well.
己注销 2017-05-06
people wanna to be you .people wanna to look like you.这是偶像成**吧,真的看了美国的真人秀就知道***的演员有多好看了。。。还有维密天使的街拍
yum 2017-02-05
这节目要把我培养成慕高狂了,走了180的Ivanka来了196的Lisa Leslie(EP9-Steve Ballmer的项目超热血超基)。现在几乎可以从长相行业判断名次了,条顺+情绪稳定(+主持人)能进决赛,Boy George走到最后意外但开心。场外唐床破和州长撕得也好看。
coré 2017-01-10
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