全年龄的笑点,细碎的生活琐事可以演绎得这么好笑,真的不容易。开始那段obligatory *** speech太可爱了。几个亮点,People said something insulting and ended it with just kidding like that erases it somehow. I’m kidding. Then you don’t know how to kid properly. Cause we should both be laughing.Good self-esteem day, you’re happy with your outfit, happy with your hair, feeling really good about yourself, it just takes that one tiny trip to **** the coolness right out you. You ever walk into a plate glass window? Two things are happening there, pain and embarrassment.
Picapica 2019-11-16
全年龄的笑点,细碎的生活琐事可以演绎得这么好笑,真的不容易。开始那段obligatory *** speech太可爱了。几个亮点,People said something insulting and ended it with just kidding like that erases it somehow. I’m kidding. Then you don’t know how to kid properly. Cause we should both be laughing.Good self-esteem day, you’re happy with your outfit, happy with your hair, feeling really good about yourself, it just takes that one tiny trip to **** the coolness right out you. You ever walk into a plate glass window? Two things are happening there, pain and embarrassment.
放学第一个跑 2017-11-14
喜洋洋与*** 2012-08-25
零 2012-02-18
啼幽 2011-12-02
翠西 。o 0 O 2011-06-17
三七 2010-11-26
Procrastinate now! love those everyday life jokes
Xiaoxiao 2010-06-23
其实不如The Beginning。但是还是给五星。
E 2010-02-19
she's just unbelivable hsilarious!!!
No.A. 2009-09-28
What happened to our leader? LOL!套用HIMYM里Barney那句AWESOME来形容再合适不过了,她的CD分类实在是很有创意,Nine Inch Nails,Carpenter,Doors一起,Cranberries和Meat Loaf摆一块儿~