根信 12-01
보통여자시대 09-26
노란 손수건 03-16
애마와 백수건달 08-23
女人的技巧 05-22
바람꽃 07-10
미아리텍사스 05-26
놀고있네 04-22
哪吒之魔童闹海 02-02
角斗士2 01-08
唐探1900 03-07
忠犬八公 10-12
며느리 밥풀꽃에 대한 보고서又名The Report of the Daughter-in-law's Rice Flower
SYNOPSIS Soon-hi sleeps with her childhood friend, Chang-su, and gets pregnant. Soon-hi goes to Seoul and tries to contact Chang-su but he ignores her so she gets a *** under Chang-su. She feels that there is a need for a labor union so Chang-su gets flesh traffickers to kidnap her. Soon-hi is found guilty of murder when she kills one of these traffickers in the red district bu...
👿👿 2022-10-18